Sunday, October 26, 2014

Marine Corps Marathon 2014 (Our Mom is AWESOME!)

Have you missed us? We have missed you!

We have had a big weekend! Mom ran in the Marine Corp Marathon in Washington DC!!  She ran to honor our cool cousin, Seth.  He's a Marine and we're so proud of him!

Luke went on his first plane ride and we toured around DC like crazy!!

Sh-Sh will try to do better with posts!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Luke's Bible Presentation at Johnson Ferry!

Remember when our Pastor, Bryant Wright, gave TK her bible last year? 

Well, guess what?  I got my Bible from Pastor Bryant too!  Isn't this awesome?!!!!  I love my church and am so excited to have my grown up bible!

You can click on this link to see when TK got her bible.  Sh-Sh says she's going to frame these pictures together.  :-)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What a great day!

We went to Grandmother's and Granddad's this weekend and HAD SO MUCH FUN!
Sh-Sh and Uncle Jim gave Granddad a "towable" for is birthday and it's the best birthday present he ever received... but we got to use it!
We had so much fun with our cousins, Daria and Jim. All 4 of us rode together!

(Remember to click on the pictures to make them bigger.  Some of our face are funny!!)

Then I rode with Mom.  We had so much fun!  And we talked about lots of stuff.  :-)

 Luke and I LOVED riding together!

How cool is Jimmy in this picture? 

And you know who drove the boat and helped us have so much fun?  Daddy!!
Thank you, Granddad, for sharing your present with us!  We love you!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

First Day of School, 2013-2014

I'm completely biased, of course, but these are some of the coolest kids EVER!  So excited to hear about their 1st and 2nd grade years!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Missing Teeth Alert for TK!

All she wants for Christmas is her two front teeth! 
How cute is she?  :-)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Luke's Muscles

Oh yeah!  Flexing his muscles!  :-)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Summer Show Offs

So every summer I get to go to a camp called Summer Show Offs and IT'S AWESOME!! 
I come by my talent honestly.  Ha!  My Mom was in Auburn singers when she was in college and this is sort of like that.  I LOVE IT!!

My family comes to the performance on the last day, Friday, at lunch time and they bring me things to congratulate me. :-)
This is not the best picture but you can see my whole group.  We'll try to post a better one from Mom's camera later.

I can't wait for next year!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Let's play some HORSE!

So TK and I decided to play HORSE at Grandmother and Granddad's house...  We didn't realize that we were both taking the game so seriously until Sh-Sh showed us these pictures later!
Here we are getting ready.  Me dribbling and TK practicing her best defensive stance.

She got tired of me dribbling and said, "LUKE!" but I'm explaining to her the importance of warming up!

Then she got tired of me dribbling and decided to make a play for the ball.  But see my moves?

I scored!  But Sh-Sh didn't get the shot.  What?!! 

But yes, TK got the ball back and scored too.  I tried to block her but it was a masterful shot, friends!

Can you tell we had so much fun?!  No comment on winner.  :-)

Friday, May 31, 2013

TK's Hair Cut!!

Our girl got a summer cut and donated her 10" ponytail to Locks of Love!  We're so proud of her!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Our post church picture that Sh-Sh just HAD to post!!  Hello to all our friends and family!