Buckle in, Friends! We went to Stone Mountain and there's so much to show you, we're including the most pictures EVER in a single blog posting... I know, I'm ambitious!
Allow me to give you a visual tour of Stone Mountain? My capable assistants for this assignment were, of course, my little brother, Luke (we go most everywhere together) and our good friends, Thomas and Addie. You remember Thomas, right? You know, the boy I'm going to marry...
First, you take a gondola ride up to the top of the mountain. Not much to do at the bottom unless it's July 4th and you want to watch the fireworks... Hey, wait a minute... Mom! It's July 2nd!!!
Let me jump back... before that, you have to stand in line to get on the gondola -

You always want to smile pretty for pictures on the way up -

At the top, you immediately start climbing on the rails... Right foot...

Climbing on the rails is what you do right up until the moment your Mommy says, "Picture Please" and you immediately sit down on the nearest bench and pose like this -
Isn't Thomas handsome? And don't we look great together? Uh Oh. Daddy just told me to cut it out with these "jokes", that I'm not 30 yet so I can't even go out on a date yet... Ok, Daddy.
(Sh... Did you see what I did there? I just included a picture of me, Thomas and Addie from the lake a few weeks ago that I forgot to show you. Don't worry, Daddy won't notice).
Here's the real bench picture... Of course, Luke is in this one! We're the 4 muskateers!
Then we get to play! AT THE TOP OF STONE MOUNTAIN!! Don't worry, it's completely safe.

There's even some water up there. I was trying my best to entice Thomas and Addie into jumping the rocks with me... but they decided to rest for a little bit. (See, he's smart too!)

And you know that Lukey had to throw rocks in the water -

On the way back to the gondola, Luke decided to hitch a ride. Fun and pretty ride, right?

The problem with the ride? Luke had a little wardrobe malfunction (Hehe) -

And last but not least before heading back down the mountain? One more picture, of course!

We know that makes you want to go to Stone Mountain... You should go in 2 days, I hear there's quite the fireworks show!
Happy Independence Day everyone!