Sunday, December 30, 2007

More Happy Christmas from Luke!

Happy, I mean Merry Christmas, Family and Friends! (TK says Hello too!)

So it's time for pictures of Christmas presents - yea!! There are several things to see in this first picture:
- My sister's new piano and microphone - wow!
- My new all-in-1-sports center. It has football, basketball (Taylor Kate has already started playing with the basketball in the picture!) and baseball!
- And in the bottom right corner is our new chalkboard!

TK has already mastered the microphone - see how she's holding it like a real singer? Watch out American Idol!
(we've heard Twinkle Twinkle Little Star several times already!)

A close up of the chalkboard and...
look who has the basketball now! Ha. Ha.

TK got a cool Radio Flyer Tricycle from Grandmother and Granddaddy -

And I got my very own personalized bat from Mom-o and Pop!

Isn't that cool? I love my bat - maybe Daddy and I will go outside and hit some in a little while?

Just kidding... It's too cold to be outside right now. :-)
More pics tomorrow of one more cool thing that TK received. Happy Pre-Pre New Year to all of you from our family!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Posting by TK!

Merry December 28th everyone! I just can't let it go quite yet. Going to keep it going until Mommy and Daddy take the tree down! :-)

So you know how in some movies they show the end of the movie first and then go back in time to what happened before?... Well, here's a picture of me at the end of Christmas day:

Ladies and gentleman, I was Christmas-ed out. I don't mean that I was finished saying "Happy Birthday to Jesus" (how cool is it that Christmas is Jesus' birthday?!!!) but I had all the food, presents, wrapping paper and people - and yes, I adore my family - that I could take for a little while. I needed some alone time!!! Me, Dora on the big screen, the couch, my ba-ba (blanket) and paci. I just vegged out!
Ok, so now we can work our way up to the end of the day by going through the days before and all of Christmas day. I'm thinking that it's best to do this over several blog postings so you don't have to look at all the pictures in one sitting (plus Luke is sitting here telling me he gets to do the next one).
First, could my baby brother be any cuter? A reindeer sweater and reindeer shoes? My mom knows how to GQ it up for him!

Here I am in my cool dress that I wore to Christmas eve service at church!

Now you'll get the full idea in a sec when you see us in a picture together in our outfits but I had to share this pic first. Luke sure can smile for the camera, right?

See? Still smiling!

Now, for today's grand finale?

Ta-da! We match each other and Granddaddy! Yea!!
Please be sure to check back tomorrow - Luke will post pictures of some of our cool presents!
Happy New Year!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Let's Play Catch-Up!

Hey everyone! There are more than a few pictures that we've never posted on the blog so our Aunt Sheri thought we should do a "catch-up" posting (as she's planning to take countless pics of us over the next 2 days!). Luke and I had to discuss who was going to handle this posting as we both have things to say about the pictures and we finally decided... We'll both caption each picture to be fair! Fun, huh?

TK: Here we are in our Widespread Panic T-shirts (Our Daddy's a fan of WP)
Luke: Mom, I'm trying to nap - why would you tickle my ear at a time like this?

TK: If you click on this picture and make it big, you can clearly see that I'm dancing!!
Luke: When you click on it, you can also see my Daddy's reflection in the truck - cool, huh?

TK: Luke looks like our Great-Granddaddy Buford in his overalls! (their hair looks alike too!)
Luke: Hold on to me, Daddy! These shoes are for show, not support!
TK: In Macon, GA at the time of this picture, our Granddaddy was saying "Go Tech!!!"
Luke: My first Georgia vs. Georgia Tech game! Go Tech!!!

TK: How do you like the kitchen that Mom and Dad gave me for my birthday? I'm already learning to cook... and multi-task. Hello? Aunt Sh-Sh? Can't talk right now - I'm cooking!
Luke: A kitchen? TK got a kitchen for her 2nd birthday? Wow! Maybe I'll get a Nascar garage for my 2nd birthday!

TK: Daddy wouldn't let me be in the picture because this was Mom's day to dress me in Auburn gear!
Luke: Daddy, when do I get to go to my first Bama game? Next year? 1 is old enough, right, Daddy? Please?

TK: I'm ambidextrous! With my right hand, I draw! With my left? Sock puppet show!!
Luke: Um.... Mommy? Why does TK have my sock on her hand?

TK: Luke in his velour leisure suit. What else is there to say?
Luke: Wave your hands in the air, wave em like you just don't care. There's a party over there. There's a party over there.------ Name this song anyone?

TK: It's not often you get us still enough to take a picture like this!
Luke: And we're both smiling!!!

TK: We'll make sure Aunt Sheri lets us do a blog posting about our Christmas activities as soon as we can!!!
Luke: Merry Christmas to all of you!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday to my sister, TK!!!

Happy Birthday to my sister!
Happy Birthday to my sister!
Happy Birthday to Taylor Kattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttte!
Happy Birthday to her!

(You have to pretend I posted this on Dec 10th, since her party was on the Dec 8th and her real birthday was on Dec 9th, OK?)

We had such a great day! TK had a party at Chuck E. Cheese (there are rides AND games!!!), then she opened presents back at our house, then we took a nap, then we had more cake, then we played - it was so much fun!!!!

Aren't her Birthday glasses cool?

Here's her new 4 wheeler. Do you see what she did on her first spin on it?

Now, I know she's my big sister and should have more driving experience but THIS is how you drive a 4 wheeler! Wee!!!

Here's the birthday cake that we had at Chuck E. Cheese -

And here's the one we had at home! Wow!! (Do you see the theme here?)
We really only had 2 cakes because we thought we would need a lot of cake for all the people at the party. Something strange happened though - people wanted to talk and play games more than they wanted to eat cake! I know, weird, right?

Here's Sissy riding one of the rides. (Little did Chuck E. know - she would run over him later with the new 4 wheeler. He might have taken the keys away on this ride!)

Here are all the party-ers!

And here's TK with Daddy and Chuck E - thumbs up to Chuck E. everyone!

Now, what was I doing while the festivities were going on? I was playing with all the balloons!!! Grandaddy let me get up close and touch them! Yea!!

There comes a point though when a boy just has to take a break and cool it. My Aunt Sheri completely understood that and let me rest up for the rest of the day!! It's hard work having so much fun! (I went to sleep about 3 seconds after Mom took this picture!)

Thanks for visiting TK's birthday party recap!
We'll try to do another posting before Santa comes to visit but until then...
Merry Christmas!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

2007 Christmas Photo Shoot

Merry Christmas again!

So after much consideration, I asked Aunt Sheri if we could post more pictures from the Family Photo Shoot. There were several of us that were my favorites and I thought you might want to see them too?

First up, the Four Generations picture. Look, Daddy and Luke are smiling the same way. Isn't that funny?

Now don't quote me on this when my brother grows up and starts to harass me but he's a pretty cute kid - especially when he laughs (and I like to make him laugh!) -

I think I might have mentioned this on postings before - but did you know that I become invisible when I cover my eyes?

You can look and look but you won't find me until I uncover my eyes. See?

Finally, aren't Grandmother and Granddaddy cute?

Ok, I promise (really, really) that we'll post pictures from my Chuck E. Cheese birthday party tomorrow. I went crazy riding the rides and had two cakes - wow!!!
Only 6 days until Christmas - yea!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Merry CHRIST-mas!! (from TK and Luke!)

So hopefully, this is a big WELCOME to our new Blog visitors! Our Aunt Sheri put the blog link in her Christmas letter to all of her beloved friends and family so maybe this is the first time you're here to see pictures and read stories about us? If so... Yea!!!!

Our family thinks that both of us are pretty cute so there are many pictures of us to share with you! (I'm Taylor Kate, today's blog author. Luke is my little brother and while he does help with postings from time to time, I have to do the typing! I'm 2 now and have all sorts of talents!)

Here we are in the McCook Christmas picture 2007. (Do you know we have been doing these since my Daddy was born? Wow!!)

Here I am being silly!

And here's Luke saying, "What's Up, Everyone?"!!!

We're going to try to do postings every day this week to catch you up on what has been going on in our lives.
I'm going to post Birthday Party pictures tomorrow!
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Say Cheese!!

So Mommy and Aunt Sheri tried to take our picture after church a couple of Sundays ago. There’s a challenge though…

In the first picture, I decided to look at the camera and smile for you but Luke was concentrating on Arletta sitting beside the couch –

And then I was tired of smiling but Luke turned on the biggest smile ever –
Aunt Sheri taught me how to “mesh” the 2 pictures. (But it looks like Luke has 2 arms - uh oh!)
How cute are we?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Learning with Luke!

So did you know our Mommy is so smart? She teaches us about so much stuff! Our numbers, our letters, our colors, our animals, I could go on! I decided to give Mommy a break and work with Luke on some of his body parts!

Luke, here's your thumb -

And this is your head!

And this is your ear!!

We'll work on all the other learning later - we need to pace ourselves! We wouldn't want to delay play time!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Taylor Kate's Daily Activity Log

You have probably figured this out already if you are a blog visitor.... I'm an active little girl!!

Aunt Sheri wanted me to show you what a typical day includes.

First up? Let's Sit and Spin for some exercise! (Yes, I usually do this with pants on but I couldn't help myself!)

Next up a little gymnastics - I can stand on my head... See?

Here I am getting myself pumped up...

for a very important activity - Arletta riding!

Of course, there's also swinging outside, playing in my house in the yard, building blocks, reading books, watching Dora and Diego, counting, overall quality time with Mommy, kissing Luke, talking to Aunt Sheri on the phone...

Told you I'm a busy girl!

Please check back tomorrow for pictures of how I'm helping Mommy "home school" Luke!