Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hey - It's me... Luke!

Hello! What's happening everybody? This is a big day - my first blog posting!! Yea!
TK will be doing most of the posting for now as I'm still working on my hand-eye coordination (I'm actually dictating to Aunt Sheri right now).
So... how's your summer? Our's is going great! I've spent quality family time in Talladega and in Macon but it's about time to hunker down for football season!
Speaking of football season, how do you like the hat? And yes, I specifically asked for the picture to be made this way first...

And then this way...

Oops, um... what's that on tv? That's Dora, she's my sister's favorite! I'm still weighing my options on favorites - will it be Diego? Could be. Will it be Spongebob? Maybe. Will it be the Wiggles? Possibly. I might even go 'old school' and watch Danger Mouse! (I'm hip already, huh?)

Anyway, I digress, I had to wear the hat since Dad's already taught TK how to say Roll Tide! I think Momma's working on the other team but Aunt Sheri said she can't type those words!

Here's a picture of Taylor Kate on the slide at church - isn't she cool?

And TK and Daddy on the merry-go-round at the mall - I CAN'T WAIT to ride it when I get bigger. Maybe I'll do it with no hands!

Now, are you ready to see my cool chair?

I love this chair! They are all the rage now and I can see why! Thanks for reading my first posting... Hopefully, I'll get to post again soon... At least before football season - only 14 more days!! Woo hoo!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Ecuador 2007 - Part Two

Sorry it took so long to post more Ecuador memories but here they are... And boy what a memory is the first picture! This was the wonderful and delicious lunch after church on Sunday in Montalvo where we spent the week with the medical team and in VBS.

I think I've started a yearly tradition of a picture with some of the awesome kids at the end of a great day, utterly exhausted but joyful in the Lord for all that He was doing! Aren't they absolutely beautiful?

I mentioned in the Part One Posting that we participate in 3 ministries while we are there - medical clinic, construction and VBS. Here's a great picture at the medical clinic of our trip leader and my very good friend, Jennifer Miller, with one of our translators during the week, the sweet and generous-of-heart Carlos!! Now we had fun captioning these types of pictures and we think this one is:
Jennifer - Um... what are they saying?

Carlos (thinking carefully)- Um... how am I going to translate this woman's condition? (Keyword being WOMAN's condition).

Here are Margaret and Phyliss at the "pharmacy", aka table of goodies!

Our VBS craft room for the week - Jody (in the hat) and Lark (in the pink shirt) helped the kids so much!

We take a picture every year on the actual Equator so here's all 18 of us (if you click on the picture and make it big, you can appreciate fully the sisterly bond between Caroline and Anna!).

And saving the best for last, here's our group with the special people from Montalvo Baptist Church. Please do click on this picture and make it big so you can see the beautiful scarves that they made for us and presented to us on the last night!

Hello to all our friends in Ecuador! We miss you and can't wait to see you next summer!!

Summertime with Friends

Hey everybody! Again, Aunt Sheri has dropped the ball on updating all of you so I must take over and share news, updates, pictures...

We, of course, must start with a picture of me and Luke to tide you over until the next posting later in the week. I'm toying with the idea of letting Luke post but just can't decide quite yet! It's a lot of responsibility you know - picking the right pictures, giving good details to go with the pictures...

Anyway, here's one of us before leaving for church. I know - Luke's growing fast, huh?

And one of Momma and Daddy on their big "Widespread Panic in Charlotte" weekend. Aunt Sheri promised Dad that she would post a picture of JB from the band to go with this one but the file wouldn't come across for some reason (I promise, Dad!) so we'll include that one in a later posting.
Aren't they cute?

So here's Uncle Brian (Daddy's bestest friend other than Momma) and Luke. Uncle Brian gets upset with Aunt Sheri when she "posts" non-TK and/or Luke related news. When she does, he tells her to get her priorities straight. HA!!!
Isn't he cute too?

And here's a picture of Momma and her bestest friend, Aunt Angel. Aunt Angel and Uncle Patrick are Murphy's momma and daddy. We know that Murphy and Luke will be best friends too. Isn't that great??
That's all for now but I promise that there will be other postings later this week. One from Aunt Sheri with more Ecuador pictures for us to enjoy and maybe one from Luke... We'll see if he's up to the challenge! :-)