Sunday, November 18, 2007

Say Cheese!!

So Mommy and Aunt Sheri tried to take our picture after church a couple of Sundays ago. There’s a challenge though…

In the first picture, I decided to look at the camera and smile for you but Luke was concentrating on Arletta sitting beside the couch –

And then I was tired of smiling but Luke turned on the biggest smile ever –
Aunt Sheri taught me how to “mesh” the 2 pictures. (But it looks like Luke has 2 arms - uh oh!)
How cute are we?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Learning with Luke!

So did you know our Mommy is so smart? She teaches us about so much stuff! Our numbers, our letters, our colors, our animals, I could go on! I decided to give Mommy a break and work with Luke on some of his body parts!

Luke, here's your thumb -

And this is your head!

And this is your ear!!

We'll work on all the other learning later - we need to pace ourselves! We wouldn't want to delay play time!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Taylor Kate's Daily Activity Log

You have probably figured this out already if you are a blog visitor.... I'm an active little girl!!

Aunt Sheri wanted me to show you what a typical day includes.

First up? Let's Sit and Spin for some exercise! (Yes, I usually do this with pants on but I couldn't help myself!)

Next up a little gymnastics - I can stand on my head... See?

Here I am getting myself pumped up...

for a very important activity - Arletta riding!

Of course, there's also swinging outside, playing in my house in the yard, building blocks, reading books, watching Dora and Diego, counting, overall quality time with Mommy, kissing Luke, talking to Aunt Sheri on the phone...

Told you I'm a busy girl!

Please check back tomorrow for pictures of how I'm helping Mommy "home school" Luke!

Luke's Fashion Posting

It's time to show off some of Luke's cute outfits - not to mention that absolutely precious smile!!

He's channeling Buford's daily overalls outfit here -

The outfit's cute but the sparkle in his eye is ALMOST too much!!
And how can you go wrong with buttons on the outfit and cool socks? :-)

We're going to catch up on some pictures this week so check back tomorrow for "TK's Daily Activity Log"!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Our Visit to Mom-o and Pa's House - by TK

We had SOOOOOOOO much fun at Mom-o and Pa's house! They live in Talladega, Alabama so it's not a long trip and when we get there? The fun begins!!

In the morning? I get to play with BLOCKS!!!!

Luke is relaxing and watching me play with my blocks!
And in the afternoon? I help Pa wash the truck! It's hard work!

So hard that Pa needs to relax with Luke after we finish!
(I can't figure out why Luke thinks his fingers taste so good but he sure does eat them a lot!)

Guess what I have at Mom-o and Pa's House? MY VERY OWN CAR!!!!

Quality time with Mom-o and Luke. (We're having a very serious conversation about Luke's fascination with his fingers. Mom-o tried to explain it to us both but it's still just baffling to me so I tried to pull them out!)

It's so much fun to visit them! They love us so much and we love them right back!!!