Merry December 28
th everyone! I just can't let it go quite yet. Going to keep it going until Mommy and Daddy take the tree down! :-)
So you know how in some movies they show the end of the movie first and then go back in time to what happened before?... Well, here's a picture of me at the end of Christmas day:
Ladies and gentleman, I was Christmas-ed out. I don't mean that I was finished saying "Happy Birthday to Jesus" (how cool is it that Christmas is Jesus' birthday?!!!) but I had all the food, presents, wrapping paper and people - and yes, I adore my family - that I could take for a little while. I needed some alone time!!! Me, Dora on the big screen, the couch, my ba-ba (blanket) and paci. I just vegged out!
Ok, so now we can work our way up to the end of the day by going through the days before and all of Christmas day. I'm thinking that it's best to do this over several blog postings so you don't have to look at all the pictures in one sitting (plus Luke is sitting here telling me he gets to do the next one).
First, could my baby brother be any cuter? A reindeer sweater and reindeer shoes? My mom knows how to GQ it up for him!

Here I am in my cool dress that I wore to Christmas eve service at church!

Now you'll get the full idea in a sec when you see us in a picture together in our outfits but I had to share this pic first. Luke sure can smile for the camera, right?
See? Still smiling!

Now, for today's grand finale?

da! We match each other and
Granddaddy! Yea!!
Please be sure to check back tomorrow - Luke will post pictures of some of our cool presents!
Happy New Year!!