Saturday, January 26, 2008

Snow Day!!!

It snowed at my house! See?!!!!

And you know what? It was cold snow! That's why in this posting... You get to see my daddy instead of me and Luke! It was too cold for little children like us to be outside!
Daddy made me a mini snowman -

He pretended like he was going to take a nap in the snow? No.....

He was making a snow angel that we could see from our deck, see?

One more picture of me, Daddy and Arletta on our 2008 snow day!

Yea for the snow! We had fun while it lasted...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My Cool Present!

So technically I received a crawl through tube for Christmas - See?

But I decided that there's a more fun way to use it! Can you see me?
Can you see me now?
Here I am!!
Fun, huh?
Hope all of you have a very Happy 2008!