Sunday, March 30, 2008

Buford, Luke and TK!!!

Look everyone! It's pictures of us with Great Granddaddy!

We're going to do several postings this week to catch up on pictures for all of you and ...
Tomorrow we're actually going to let Sh-sh to a posting about her trip to Dallas this weekend to see the Gil family! Check back to see cute Madison and handsome Spencer!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all of our Friends and Family!

Do you like our matching pajamas and bunny ears? Our stylist is fabulous!! (Thank you, Mommy!)

So we went to church in Talladega and look at the beautiful "blossom of the cross" that was outside the church!

And we had to pose with Sh-sh for a picture! We're both smiling - Yea!!!

How about a picture of me in my Easter dress and my Easter shades?

And last but definitely not least - it's the wonderful family picture!! (Can you tell I'm saying "Happy Easter"??)

Sh-sh is going to let me post pictures from our visit with the Easter Bunny in the next couple of days. See you then!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone! Did you wear your green? WE DID!!!!!

My, my, I have good looking parents and a cute brother, don't I? :-)
Speaking of my cute brother - where is Lukey hiding?

There he is with Mommy!!!

We had fun modeling the hat and necklaces that Aunt Sh-sh's friend, Brittany, gave to us!!

Stay tuned for lots more postings this week. Aunt Sh-sh visited us this weekend and we download mucho pictures!!
Happy Easter!! (Hint. Hint.)