Sunday, April 27, 2008

Our trip to the Aquarium!!

We went to the Aquarium guys! And it was fun! Did you know they have nemos and octopus and sharks and beluga whales??? We saw all of those (except for the octopus that was hiding!) and lots and lots more.

See? Daddy and Mommy made some great pictures!

Lukey got to ride around all day - drinking his juice and looking at the fishes!!

I got to sit in front of the big window and look and look and look...

And there were people in there with the fishes!!! WOW!!

Look at the cool jelly fish, guys!

Of course, I had to pose for a picture too!

Lukey is still riding and sipping!

Can you believe how big this turtle is? He's bigger than me!

And we got to sit on cool mermaids!

Can you tell we had the BEST time? :-)

We're going to try to post pictures from Luke's 1st birthday party last Saturday soon! See you then!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Music and a little Dancing!

So how about a little "gettin down" everyone? My brother, Luke, on guitar...

And after that we get to the DANCING!!! First, in the crib - Ready, Lukey?

La, la, la, la - bob your head to the right!

The crib is just too confining! On the floor? Rock it out!

Even Arletta wanted to dance with us!

Sh-sh has said that we're going to do a post every day this week with "catch up pictures" so check back, OK? Maybe next time we'll take a field trip... Hint. Hint.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Um... No Post Title would do this picture justice!

What is there to say?


Sh-Sh thinks this picture is going to be used a lot as I grow up - wonder what she means?

Sh-sh's Trip to Dallas to see The Gil Family (narrated by TK)

So Sh-Sh went to Dallas last weekend to see her good friends, The Gils! Isn't this a good looking family?!!!

Sh-Sh has been friends with them since she lived in Memphis many, many, many, many - just kidding! - years ago. As a matter of fact, Spencer (13 now) and Sh-Sh had "their" special day together on the day Madison (8 now) was born! They ate at McDonalds 2 times!, went bowling, saw Iron Giant at the movies, went to the fair - they both still talk about it!
The Gils are VERY special to Sh-Sh!
So they spent the day just hanging out and having fun. Part of the day was spent at Grapevine Mills mall and did you know they have an indoor skateboard park? WOW, COOL!!

Then they went to the movies - Kevin, Kelly and Spencer saw "21" while Sh-Sh and Madison saw "Penelope".
And what are a couple of girls to do when their movie ends an hour before the parents and sibling get out of their movie? GET THEIR NAILS DONE!

Let's backtrack to a picture of the family pre-movie - a little out of focus but you get the fun-gist?!!

Sh-Sh said she NEEDS to go back to Dallas very soon and she misses them even more than she did before this weekend! :-)