Thursday, May 29, 2008

What Up Friends?

It's been too long since the last posting and even though these are a few weeks old... well, everyone needs new pics of Lukey and TK, right?

Sh-Sh gets to come stay with us this weekend while Mommy and Daddy take a trip so she'll let us post more then.
Have a good day!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Luke's Party - Part 2

Isn't my family just so cute? And can you believe they all wore hats for my birthday party? Yea!! (Um... Daddy meant to have his on sideways!)

And look at the Birthday Boys! My friend, Murphy, has a birthday right after mine!!

Granny and Dindad came from Talladega! Aren't they so sweet together?!!!

And Grandmother and Granddaddy came too - and they brought Great Granddaddy, of course!

And Aunt Natty came from Florida! She was having a secret girl-to-girl pow-wow with my sister, TK!

And here I am with Mom-o and Pa. I just get to take pictures with everybody on my special day!

And last but not least... my adoring ladies! These are my Mommy's best friends, Angel (Murphy's Mom) and Heather. Heather's going to have a baby later this year so there will be another friend to play with... Yea!!!

Happy Summer everyone! Hope to see you soon!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Lukey is 1!!!!

Finally! As promised for a week now! Pictures of Lukey's first birthday party! Our cool Mom did a baseball theme!

We'll post pictures of everyone at the party next time but for now? Let's focus on Luke and THE CAKE!!

So, here is THE BIRTHDAY BOY pre-cake!!

And as he takes the first bite!


Lukey's thinking "Yum, Yum, my cake is GOOOOOOOOOD!"

And finally, the washing of the hands. (I don't think Lukey wanted to stop eating his cake!)

Sh-sh and I will do another posting while we are TOGETHER this weekend!! Sh-sh is coming to see us in At-lan-ta but can you believe she's not bringing the horseys that live in her yard? Not cool, Sh-sh!
"See" you soon!!