Monday, June 30, 2008

Photo Shoot - Part Two (Luke's Day!)

Drum Roll Please....

Here's Luke's OFFICIAL 1 Year Birthday Photo!! My brother is so cute!

Now the photographer wanted Lukey to pose with a cute dog but Luke had to have a little talk with him first:
Luke: Hello! Thank you for agreeing to be in the picture with me!
Dog: Woof!
Luke: I have a dog at home named Arletta. Do you know Arletta?
Dog: Woof! Woof!
Luke: Really?!! I'll tell Arletta that you said "Woof!!"
Dog: Woooooooof!
Luke: No, no - don't waste your smile yet. The man is still playing with lights. He'll tell you when to smile.
Dog: Woof? Woof? Woof?
Luke: Yes, that's my Mommy and TK and Granddaddy. Don't worry, they won't bite!

Luke: Ok, he said "Dora". That means smile to TK - just go with it!
Dog: Woof!

And who can resist the close-up?

Not us!!
Tomorrow with be "TK Only Day" for pictures! Yea!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Our Professional Photo Shoot! - Part One

Hello Family and Friends! Hope everyone is having a great summer! We sure are! I know Sh-Sh promised to post pictures from the lake but we're going to have to hold those for later in the week because...

Mommy took us for a fun photo shoot!! Fun!!

Then we sat down for some close ups and look what I did when I THOUGHT Mommy wasn't looking...

But she really WAS watching so I smiled like a little angel -

And then Lukey and I smiled at the same time (but we were looking at Grandddaddy! He was a great help during our shoot!)

Aunt Sh-Sh downloaded about 50 pictures today and she'll let us post more from the shoot during the week so please check back in... You'll get to see Lukey's official 1 year photo! Wow!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Our trip to Chuck.E.Cheese!

Come on, everybody! Let's go to Chuck-E-Cheese!!!

It's Saturday and that means that SOMETIMES my Mommy and Daddy take us to eat pizza and play games at Chuck.E.Cheese!! It's so much fun! If you haven't been before, you should really go!
Luke gets to crawl through the tunnel! (Can we get a Roll Tide, everybody?)

And look! Even Mommy rides the rides with me!! (If you look closely - or click on the picture to make it bigger - you'll see that Mommy is really having fun on this ride!)

And when we get home? Even more playing! Lukey's not quite walking yet but he can sure pull up on everything!

Aunt Sheri has been a little slow on the posting but she promises to do better! She's going to come visit us next weekend and we'll do a posting of our lake pictures!
Happy Summer!