Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July 4th in Talladega - by TK McCook

We posted our professional July 4th picture but we never posted pictures from our July 4th Celebration in Talladega! What you say? How could we have made you wait so long? We're so sorry!

Look guys, we match!

Look guys, doesn't Lukey look just like Daddy?

Look guys, swimmies and my cherry swimsuit!!

Look guys, Luke doesn't need us. He can swing himself!

And guess what.... Yep! Look guys, H O R S E S !!!!!!!

Finally... Look... Guys... We have a HUGE turtle float!

Always fun with Momo, Pa and the whole family in Talladega!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dora Dress-Up!

Look what I got from Sh-Sh! It's a Dora Dress Up Chest with interchangeable outfits, jewelry, hat and shoes! WOW!!!

Look guys, I can even model!

See, a hat!!

And here's a picture of the Chest! Isn't' Dora pretty?


And I love my first pair of pumps! (Daddy's a little upset that I love them so much!)
"See" you soon!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fun at the Lake!!

Fun, fun in the summertime! Wanna see what we do at Grandmother and Granddaddy's house?

First, we ride the golf cart down to the dock!
(most of these pictures have really cute stuff when you look at the close up - just click on this picture and look at Lukey's expression!)

Once we get to the dock, we have to put on our life jacket - safety first! Does this one fit? No...

This one does!!

Then... we ride the Jet-Ski! I'm already a pro!

Then we play in the water with Mommy and Daddy!

Then it's time for a boat ride! Luke, WHERE IS YOUR VEST??

And then we go fishing! See what we caught with my Scooby-Doo fishing rod? Don't worry, we threw him back so he could grow up in the lake!

And then it's time to relax in the hammock and play in the yard. We don't always put Luke in "lake baby jail" but sometimes... we just have to! He doesn't mind!

And then on Sunday, we go to church with the whole family!!

You're all invited to join us ANYTIME! Keep having a great summer!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Princess Center!

So my Aunt Sh-Sh told me about a movie that she wants me to watch when I get bigger called "Princess Quarterback" about a girl that plays football! Wow! Well, I think I've decided that I want to be the Princess Center... cause I've learned how to hike the football, everybody!

Daddy and Granddaddy were throwing the football in our backyard and this is what happened:

TK: Um... Daddy, what you doin?
Daddy: Throwing the football with Granddaddy.
TK: Can I throw too?
Daddy: Well, it might be too hard to throw it, it's a little heavy. How about we hike the ball?
TK: Huh?

TK: Granddaddy, Granddaddy, look what Daddy just showed me. You bend down like this and throw it backwards between your legs, see?

TK: Sh Sh, Mom-o, Pa, Grandmother, Pa look here and watch me hike ball!

TK: See? I can do it!

TK: And I can do it again!

TK: Mom-o, will you be my quarterback? Hike! Hike!

Daddy: TK, will you hike it to me?
TK: Yes I will, Daddy! It's not very hard, c'mere and let me hike to you!

Can you believe it? One day and I'm already a pro! And it's fun! How many years until I can try out for Bama Football? (Sorry, Pa!)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Welcome to OUR Blog!!

You found us! You found us!! Welcome to our new blog location!

As you can see, we love each other soooo much...

And want to share our fun with you!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy Independence Day!!

Can you tell Aunt Sh-Sh is proud?

Just can't express how much we love and are thankful for our blessings from God!

And what great parents they have!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Photo Shoot - Part Three (TK's Day)

My turn, my turn!

Did you know we went to the beach for the pictures?... Just kidding! It's a backdrop, can you believe it?

I put on my best smile!

And you know how Lukey got to take his picture with the Dog? I got to use a shell!! Did you know it sounds like the ocean if you listen? It's so cool!

Aunt Sh-Sh wanted me to slip in one picture that wasn't from the photo shoot. And she said you'll need to click on the picture to make it big so you can see that my shirt matches my pants and of course, my bag! I just don't understand why Dora was hiding in the picture - I tried to get her to look at the camera!

See you tomorrow!