Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy Labor Day!

So Sh-Sh was reading our blog and realized that we had never posted these "after church" pictures from back in June. What? We missed posting pictures? OH NO!!

Anyway, here they are... and yes, the funniest picture is at the end...

(Just for the record, Lukey did have on shoes at church!)

Wanna know what I do to make Lukey laugh like this when Mommy's taking a picture?


Yep, I'm a ham alright.
Have a Happy Labor Day everyone!

Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm a big boy - 16 months old!!!

What's up family and friends? Sh-sh brought it to my attention that there are several pictures of me during the last couple of months that we've missed posting... So in celebration of my 16 month birthday, here they are!!

At Vacation Bible School in Macon -

"Hanging with Pa" on my birthday -

"Hanging" with Granddad! (Do you see a baseball theme going on with me? You should see me throw. Daddy says I'm a natural!)

Hanging with Granddad AND Great-Granddad!

Helping load the dishwasher... and I multi-task by playing with my special wand!

And helping get everything together for dinner. Salad Dressing and Diet Coke, anyone?

Bye for now... 6 days til 2008 Bama (and Auburn) football. Woo Hoo!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

More Dora Dress-Up!!

I still love my Dora Dress-Up Outfit!

I even eat breakfast in it!

Friday, August 15, 2008

More from Lake Tobesofkee!

We've been to the lake a lot this summer so we have more pictures!

Um... there are lots of things to see in this picture - my cool sunglasses, Luke's cool hat, my delicious vanilla wafer, I mean cookie, my cool swimsuit...

The swimsuit and glasses deserve a pose, right? My grandmother bought the suit for me and I like it! (Please see my pink crocs too!)

Then we posed with Granddadddy. All of us smiling and looking at the camera? Wow!

See ya soon!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Playing in the Pool!!

What do TK and I do on a typical summer day? We hit the pool!

And when I'm not looking? Yep, my sister pours water on my head. (Wait til you see what I do to her NEXT summer!)

But then we get down to the serious business of playing with our toys in the pool!

Sh-sh wants you to click on the last picture to look at a close up of my belly and my legs. Whatever is she talking about? And do you see that TK has her crocs on in the pool? She's such a cool big sister!
Hope your last days of summer are FUN!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Turtle!!

So here's what happened.
Mommy found a turtle in the yard at the lake.
And she wanted me to touch it.

So I said, "Can I touch it with this stick?"

And she said, "Come on, touch it."
So I said, "Can Moogie touch it for me?"

And she said, "Come on, touch it."
So I said, "Can I just sit like you and you keep touching it?"

And she said, "Come on, touch it."