Sunday, September 7, 2008

Luke goes out for a drive!

So recently, while visiting Momo and Pa, I decided that I'd take a drive to visit Granny and Dindad. I mean they live so close, why not, right?

So I got in my fancy car (yes, a hand me down from TK but it's still got pretty low mileage so it's OK!) and headed off to their house!

But it's hard to find my way when I forgot to bring my navigation system to guide me so I decided to ask people along the way...

"Hey! Do you know where my Granny and Dindad live?"

But they gave me directions to Aunt Cathy and Uncle Billy's house and while it was good to see them, I really needed to see Granny and Dindad!

So off I went again! I checked the glove box to see if perhaps I forgot the nav system was in there... it wasn't there. Awwww man.

Um... can you help me find how to get there?

Maybe next time I should ask TK to take me!

Roll Tide and War Eagle everybody!