Thursday, October 30, 2008

Luke's 18 Months Old!! (and TK gets her picture taken a lot!)

Hello Family and Friends!

So a funny thing happened at my 18th month photo shoot! I WAS NOT in the mood to have my picture taken... but at least Grandmother got the ONE she wanted with her chair from when she was a little girl!

But then Sh-Sh made a little deal with TK - if she would take over for me and pose and smile for the many different back drops and settings, TK would get a trip to Build-A-Bear!! Um... if I'd been told that was an option, maybe things would have gone a little differently!
Can you believe my sister in this pose? She's a pro! (You'll want to click on it to see it up close!)
And another one!!

She even posed with a flower that matched her dress and barrettes!

And last but not least - Grandmother's FAVORITE picture of the day, other than my ONE picture of course. My sister is pretty darn cute, right?


Thursday, October 23, 2008


We went on a field trip to the Fire Station guys! WOW!!

The fire trucks are BIG!! Bigger than me!

What? You want me to drive it?

OK!! (I just need someone to push the pedals!)

What? You want Lukey to drive it too?

Um... His feet definitely won't reach the pedals but he can PRETEND to drive it!

Here's the entire field trip group - Can you tell how much fun we were having? Um... Mommy, aren't the kids supposed to wear the hats?
(My mommy is so much fun!)

Roll Tide, friends!

Monday, October 20, 2008

School Days!

We forgot to post first day of school pictures - oh no! Here I am as we head off to Wee School at Johnson Ferry - fun!!

Luke is VE-RY happy to go to "school" with me - see? Could he smile any bigger?

How do you like my band-aids? Yes, they ARE Sesame Street - cool, right?

We LOVE school! It's so much fun to learn... and play with friends!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

TK and Granddaddy Go Fishin

We went to Grandmother and Granddaddy's house this weekend and I awoke on Saturday morning to the AMAZING prizes that my Daddy bought for me... I mean won for me at the fair on Mommy and Daddy's date night! DORA AND BOOTS ARE AS BIG AS ME!!

I thought that would be the most exciting thing to happen on Sat-ur-day but boy, was I wrong! I went fishin with Granddaddy. I have my own reel, you know! So I sat and I sat and I sat - fishin takes patience, friends! (Especially when you decided to fish at the last minute and use bread for bait.)

And then... suddenly... I felt a tug on my line! So I stood up to get some leverage!

And then I yelled, "GRANDDADDY, COME HELP ME REEL!!!!".
And he did and I caught a BIG catfish with my very own Scooby Doo reel! See?

(Who needs crickets or worms?)
I asked to pet it but Grandmother and Granddaddy said I wouldn't like it so I didn't.
Now while we were taking the last picture, Luke was saying "Cat, Cat, Cat" (Shhhh. Really it was because the cat, Moogie, was by him). Then it hit Luke that we had fished without him so Granddaddy had to console him!

Don't worry, Lukey, you'll be big enough to fish in no time... but I don't know if you'll be able to catch big fish like me!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Secret Posting!

Please don't let Daddy or Sh-Sh see this posting but it's too cute not to share!

Lukey says... no, Daddy and Sh-Sh would be very upset if we typed the words that match my hat!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Our visit to Sh-Sh's House

Lukey and I went to visit Aunt Sh-Sh a couple of weeks ago and it was so much fun!

Here's a recap of our agenda: We played in boxes ( I never knew boxes were so much fun!) -

Do you like my Dora shirt?

Lukey played with the toys that live at Sh-Sh's house. Our Mommy is so smart - we have toys that live at Momo and Pa's and Grandmother and Grandaddy's too - isn't that neat?

We play Dora on the computer with Daddy -

And then Lukey wants to play too!

We pose for many, many pictures - of course!

We snuggle with Daddy on the couch!

And finally... we watch a little tv before bedtime. It is Sh-Sh's house after all! (You do see that Luke is just about to hit me in the head, right? He's growing up, people!)