Sunday, November 23, 2008

Relaxing at Home

We have so much fun hanging out at home with Mommy and Daddy! Wanna see some pictures of a typical day?

We start with stickers - many, many stickers!

Then we play Hide and Seek! Where's Lukey?

There he is!

Lukey vacuums for Mommy!

I practice my drawing (while wearing my Dora Dress Up clothes, of course!)

And then we wind down with "vid-e-os" at the end of a long day!

Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Watch our Pre-Trick or Treat Video!

Our official You Tube premiere!


Who knew that Trick or Treating was this much fun? Not me but I'm ready to go again today!

My Mommy made our costumes and people, she's got some talent! Here we are as Dora and Boots with a picture right below to use for comparison. Isn't Mommy amazing?

And now for the close-ups - please click on Lukey's picture to enlarge and see his big smile! He loves Boots too!! I'm so proud of my baby brother!

Now please understand, I was very happy to be wearing my Dora wig... really, I was. And that was not at all affected by the trip to Build-A-Bear that Sh-Sh promised me if I would get one good picture with Lukey of us dressed up! When are we going, Sh-Sh??

And here's the picture of us as we're about to step off the front porch to go TRICK OR TREATING! Daddy and Pa took us and we had so much fun! Daddy knew I was scared when we went to the front door but after that? Daddy knew I had the trick or treating thing down!

Mommy, can we start planning for next Halloween?
See ya later, guys!