Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Official Christmas Card 2009!

By now, we hope you've received your Christmas card in the mail - may the blessing of HIS birth be in your hearts during this special season!

We wish you the Happiest Year!

and look forward to "seeing" all of you in 2010!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Photo Shoot 2009! (Part 1)

It's that time of year again! Merry CHRIST-MAS!!

We had our photo shoot for our Christmas cards and we'll unveil the 2009 official photo later this week (and ones of just me and Luke!) but for now...

Aren't we a good looking crew?

Luke and I sure do have fun with each other... even when Momma and Daddy want us to behave for the camera. :-)
And the money shot of the 2 of us -

We really do love each other... ALL THE TIME!
Check back tomorrow for our solo shots?! Big HUGS!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Scary Ride or Fun Ride?

Hey Friends!

Ok, we're taking votes in the comment section. The question is - does this ride look fun?

Luke voted yes at first...

But then he started to reconsider...

With his final answer being... NO!!! He wanted off of this ride!

I on the other hand gave it a 10 out of 10 - all while posing as Mommy took the picture. :-)

I'll post a picture of Luke on his FAVORITE ride tomorrow! He's still talking about his favorite ride today!
Happy Fall!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Luke and TK go to the fair - Part 1

Hey friends! This posting is long overdue but Sh-Sh reminded me that we hadn't shown you more pictures from our trip to the fair with Mommy and Daddy.

WE HAD SO MUCH FUN!! See Lukey driving the car?

And riding the horsey?

And me riding the horsey in my cool shades?

And finally unwinding with a tasty lunch -
Um... Yes, Luke, you can have some of mine too because I like to share!

Check back tomorrow for exciting pictures of Luke on the Nemo ride - He didn't like that one so much. :-)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sleeping Beauty and Scooby Doo!!

Happy Halloween 2009 everyone! We know we're a few days late posting pictures but we've been too busy eating our candy. :-)

Do you like our costumes? We LOVED them!

Luke didn't want to turn back into Luke. He wanted to stay as Scooby Doo!

We had more fun answering the door for the Trick or Treaters than we did going ourselves!

Now before we dressed up, we had a Halloween party in the basement! We played pin the nose on the pumpkin -

We did Halloween bowling and we even wrapped Mommy up as a mummy!
I even put on Daddy's costume from when he was little - see?

Ok, exciting news! Sh-Sh is going to let me do a posting every day this week so check back!
Only 30 days til my birthday!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wanna watch me slide at the FAIR?


Video at the Fair!

Hello Friends! Please pay close attention to several things in this video:

1. Luke is driving all by himself!

2. Daddy sounds like he's having a little bit of fun.

3. After the fire truck, Luke HAD to ride the motor sickle.

Another video of me on the slide tomorrow!

First Fair Trip!!

So you'll have to click on the picture to fully appreciate how much fun Luke was having... um, I'm kidding.

We'll post more pictures of THE FAIR!!! soon! (and maybe a video!)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Summer Camp at Grandmother and Granddaddy's

We had so much fun at Grandmother and Granddaddy's house that we just have to share some of our activities. Be ready, everyone! We're getting older and we can now...

Walk on the treadmill!

Well, we actually just sit on it and smile but it took exercise to get on it. Even Bitty Baby "rode" on the treadmill.

We read LOTS of books! And we mean, LOTS! Grandmother just keeps reading and reading and reading.

We lay in the hammock. 'Nough said, right?

And we ride the caterpillar!

We ALWAYS cooperate with each other and share. We NEVER get upset with each other when we want to play with the same toy. Um... right!
10 days til football season!! Roll Tide Roll!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Luke can fly!

Isn't this just the greatest picture of my Daddy and my baby brother? Luke LOVES the water - he jumps in, Daddy throws him high, he jumps in some more... So much fun!

You'll need to click on the picture to get the full effect - the smile on Luke's face, the basketball in his hands - Luke's ALWAYS holding a ball, I think he sleeps with one - and his Scooby Doo Crocs!

Happy Summer!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Our new pool... At the lake!

Who knew that Target sells pools that have built in slides?

Or ones that are shaped like a whale and have a sprinkler where the spout would be?

Or ones that work so well in Grandmother and Grandaddy's back yard?

And yes, I know you can see the lake right down there behind me... but it's way down there and I can get in the pool way up here!
Happy 4th guys!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gardening with Daddy

We have a garden in our back yard and can't wait for all the vegetables to come in!

It's fun to get our hands dirty...

But after about 5 minutes, I let Daddy finish and I hit the swing set. A kid has to be a kid, right?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Luau for Grandmother's Birthday!

Aloha, everyone! We had SO much fun at Grandmother's surprise birthday luau this weekend!

Don't we look cool - C.O.L.L. is how I spell it out loud - in this pic?

And I had an excuse to play dress-up!! Yea!!

But Lukey didn't like it so much. He tried to tell us that his Daddy would be mad at us for these pictures when he gets back from Rome! He said to me -
  • The hat? It's definitely not a baseball hat so why am I wearing it?
  • The necklace? Um... they aren't Mardi Gras beads like I usually wear.
  • The Hula skirt? Nope, I can't be wearing this. Take it off of me, please.

We got Grandmother a Hawaii cake! (Ok, it was actually a Lilo and Stitch cake but Sh-Sh talked the people at the cake store into leaving them off).

And don't we girls, look just like real Hula girls?

I'm going to think very hard about what we should do for Grandmother's birthday next year. Fiesta maybe? Disco? A princess party? The possibilities are endless!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

We're taking suggestions for our band name!

Friends and Family, let us tell you - we LOVE to rock out!

We come by it honestly you know. Dad jams out regularly and our Mommy can sing!

And when Lukey's playing the saxophone, you should see his little foot tapin' the ground to the beat.

Here are the suggested band names ranked in order of votes to date -

  1. "TYKES" Get it? Part of Taylor and part of Luke?
  2. Princess TK and the Ball Boy
  3. We like to swing!
  4. Matt's Groupies
  5. Mommy's Background Noise
  6. Sh-Sh's Stars
  7. The Cookies
  8. Widespread Kid Panic
  9. Kids Rock
  10. D.I.T. (Disciples in Training)

Please submit your votes or put your suggestions in the comment field. All suggestions welcome!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Birthday to Daddy in Pictures!

Can you tell we love our Daddy and that Mommy and Momo had the same cool idea? :-)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Group Shot from Mother's Day!

Look at our beautiful family when we gathered at Dindad and Granny's for Mother's Day!

We'll post more pics from Daddy's birthday in the next couple of days! Please stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mother's Day in Talladega!

So we went to Talladega to be with the WHOLE family on Mother's Day! Dindad had surgery so we all gathered at his house and we had fun!!

Cousin Christy and Sh-Sh made me a flower necklace, and bracelet and crown! Aren't they pretty?

And here we are posing on the front steps. Lukey was "done" for the day by this point!

We'll post the big group picture... as soon as we take it off one of the cameras! :-)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Daddy's Birthday!

Hello family and friends! Did you think we'd forgotten about you? We're so sorry that we've been MIA and will make it a priority to do catch up postings in the next few weeks. Promise!

Our Daddy turned 35 on Saturday and while he keeps saying that he's old, we think he's young and spry! Here we are with Daddy when he saw one of his birthday presents, Mommy framed 2 of his old UNC posters!

And here we are before leaving for the pool. Did we mention that my baby brother, Lukey, learned to drive? Just kidding!

Do you like my floaty swimsuit? I can swim all by myself... with the assistance of 8 floatys around my waist! :-)

Happy Summer!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday to Luke!

Hey everybody, I had a Curious George 2nd Birthday Party with my family and it was so much fun! I even had a Curious George hat, see?

Here I am patiently waiting... for my 2nd serving of cake. I need 2 servings now that I'm 2 years old.

What presents did I get? So very glad that you asked!
My very first baseball glove!

A Soccer Goal - And I've already learned how to kick the soccer ball in the goal and then go around to the back side and kick it out! (I'm a quick learner and getting tangled in the net trying to reach the ball is no fun, specially on your birthday.)

And my very first Big Wheel! YEA!!

We went to the Atlanta Zoo for my birthday too and saw lots and lots of animals. I'll do another posting about that soon.
3, here I come!