Monday, March 30, 2009

Our Cool Parents!

So here's how it all started - Mommy started making a snowball...

And Daddy said, "Are you sure you want to do that?"

And Mommy said, "Oh yea!"
(and remember Luke is still stuck on the porch to avoid the cold rainy day)

And then Mommy did this!

And then we stopped taking pictures! But we had fun! (Well, Lukey didn't but he will next time!)

Look, this one is Mommy and Daddy together. Aren't they a cute snow couple?

See you soon!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

IT SNOWED!! (on March 1st)

Um... Ok, it snowed back on March 1st and here were our reactions -

You want us to leave the porch? In the cold rainy snow? Really? REALLY?

Can you guess what Luke's answer was?
I finally "warmed" up to the idea! And I even smiled my best smile!

But Lukey wasn't having it. He wanted to be inside where it was warm!

Wait til you see Mommy and Daddy's reactions of the snow... in the next posting!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We've missed you!

Have you missed us too?

So Luke and I have been so very busy that we forgot to stay in touch with our fans... we mean our friends and family!

We're going to do several posts over the new few weeks of snow days, playtime, Sh-Sh's birthday party, etc but for now, we wanted to show you 3 more pictures from Valentine's Day that were our "home" shots.

Look at how big my little brother is now! I LOVE being his big sister!

And look guys, Hello Kitty got a Tinkerbell outfit for Valentine's Day. Isn't she pretty?

Check back tomorrow for... we'll surprise you!