Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Luke can fly!

Isn't this just the greatest picture of my Daddy and my baby brother? Luke LOVES the water - he jumps in, Daddy throws him high, he jumps in some more... So much fun!

You'll need to click on the picture to get the full effect - the smile on Luke's face, the basketball in his hands - Luke's ALWAYS holding a ball, I think he sleeps with one - and his Scooby Doo Crocs!

Happy Summer!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Our new pool... At the lake!

Who knew that Target sells pools that have built in slides?

Or ones that are shaped like a whale and have a sprinkler where the spout would be?

Or ones that work so well in Grandmother and Grandaddy's back yard?

And yes, I know you can see the lake right down there behind me... but it's way down there and I can get in the pool way up here!
Happy 4th guys!