Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Summer Camp at Grandmother and Granddaddy's

We had so much fun at Grandmother and Granddaddy's house that we just have to share some of our activities. Be ready, everyone! We're getting older and we can now...

Walk on the treadmill!

Well, we actually just sit on it and smile but it took exercise to get on it. Even Bitty Baby "rode" on the treadmill.

We read LOTS of books! And we mean, LOTS! Grandmother just keeps reading and reading and reading.

We lay in the hammock. 'Nough said, right?

And we ride the caterpillar!

We ALWAYS cooperate with each other and share. We NEVER get upset with each other when we want to play with the same toy. Um... right!
10 days til football season!! Roll Tide Roll!