Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Official Christmas Card 2009!

By now, we hope you've received your Christmas card in the mail - may the blessing of HIS birth be in your hearts during this special season!

We wish you the Happiest Year!

and look forward to "seeing" all of you in 2010!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Photo Shoot 2009! (Part 1)

It's that time of year again! Merry CHRIST-MAS!!

We had our photo shoot for our Christmas cards and we'll unveil the 2009 official photo later this week (and ones of just me and Luke!) but for now...

Aren't we a good looking crew?

Luke and I sure do have fun with each other... even when Momma and Daddy want us to behave for the camera. :-)
And the money shot of the 2 of us -

We really do love each other... ALL THE TIME!
Check back tomorrow for our solo shots?! Big HUGS!!