Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday to our Pa!

We're going to pretend that the date on this posting is Feb 19th, the day after our Pa's birthday, and we're sharing pictures with all of you! :-)

Of course, we helped him blow out the candles! That's what we do!

What a good lookin crew, right?

You all might get some snow pictures soon... since it's Spring! :-)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

TK-Daddy Dance!!

My very first dance!!
Daddy and I went to the Father Daughter Valentines Day Dance at our church and we had soooooo much fun!
(So sorry for not sharing these sooner!)

Daddy looks so handsome, right?

And Bitty Baby and I match!

Can you guess what I felt like this night? Yes!! A PRINCESS!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, Sh-Sh!

So you know how some movies start in the middle and then flashback to the beginning?

Here's the middle of Sh-Sh's birthday -

Luke likes cake!
But of course, we have to blow out the candles first!

We're good candle helpers... and we all get wishes!

And then Luke says, "I'll take this over here by me".

And does this -

And I do this -

And then we pose for the group shot (Sweet Momma was takin the picture) -

Aren't birthdays so much fun?!!!
Luke's birthday is next weekend and we're sure there will be LOADS of pictures!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Super Hero Luke!

Hi Friends and Family!

Most of who know me well know that I love pirates and I LOVE super heroes. If you ask me who my BFF is, I'll tell you it's "Batman and Robin" (cause you have to say both names together, of course). But really by BFF is my sissy!

I've learned a lot from my Super Hero friends - Superman, Flash, Batman and Aquaman each have their own special skills! And I "might" have shirts with some of their logos on them. :-)

Now what special skills do I have, you ask? I CAN FLY!!

See? It's a skill that takes practice, just ask my Mom as she watches me move the stool farther and farther away from the couch.
Gotta go get the bad guys with my pirate sword... and my cape!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Our Yadder!

So we have a nickname for our Granddad - you may pronounce it "Ladder" but we pronounce it "Yadder".

We love to climb on our Yadder!

We're sure you can understand why we think he's so much fun. Just look at this picture! Can you believe that Granddad would borrow Luke's cape like this? Ha!

Sometimes I have to use my cuteness to coerce him into letting us climb on him some more. And you know what? He lets us.

We both have fun climbing on him but sometimes Luke just keeps climbing and climbing and climbing. Granddad never gets tired... right, Granddad?

Happy Spring everyone!

Monday, April 5, 2010

He is Risen!

Isn't Easter the best holiday? We get to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, we get to dress up in our pretty outfits, we get to spend quality time with our family, we get to take pictures! Hope your Easter was special too!

My sister, TK, sure does like to pose for pictures now a days. And then we like to look at them on the camera! :-)

Aren't Daddy and Grandad cute in their pink and purple Easter shirts?

And look at all of us! We're a happy family on this day when we know that Jesus is our risen Lord!

There were MANY funny pictures from the weekend. Just wait til you see one of Granddad tomorrow!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday Thanks

We thank you, Father, on this Good Friday for sacrificing your Son for our sins so that we may have eternal life with you. We look forward to celebrating His resurrection on Easter Sunday!

HIS Love from our family to yours.