Friday, December 31, 2010

Misc Christmas Shots...

A few more that we just HAVE to share! Can you tell we enjoyed our holidays?

Mommy and Sissy with our Disney ornaments!

(We'll do all the Disney postings next week after we recuperate from staying up late on New Year's Eve!)

Um... Granddad using TK's Princess Snuggie. He's so funny!

Look at Mom-o's awesome hat! She's so pretty!

Daddy had me in a headlock and was kissing me... Please stop doing that, Daddy!

Then he tried on my Armor of God helmet. It's a little too small!

While we were watching Toy Story 3... Pa and Woody were spending quality time together!

Sh-Sh was distraught that I left Woody and Buzz in these positions when I went to bed.

It's ok though. They got up, played during the night with my new green army men, Mr. Potato Head and Slinky and then laid back down... Just like this!

Talladega Christmas!!

We love everyone in our family! And we have a big family! When we get together, we have more than a little bit of fun!

Sometimes we have to help some people in our family be quiet for others to get to talk!

Some of us smile so pretty and wave to the camera! (This is Aunt Bette and Aunt Natty. They are so cool!!)

Sometimes we just cuddle up with Pa! Especially when he starts talking about watching the Lone Ranger!

Isn't this the greatest picture of our Mom-o and Pa?!! We love them soooooooo much!

And there's always some eating involved! Looks like Uncle Roy, Dindad and Aunt Joyce just finished having some snacks!

There's a chance that we worked some naps into the schedule!! ;-)

The Millennium Falcon - by Luke.

We got a real Millennium Falcon!! You know, Han Solo's ship in Star Wars! See?

Even though it was Daddy's gift - and even though he practiced flying it around (for hours and hit Pa in the head with it)...

I know it was really for me. Now if I can just find where Daddy parked it!!

Vocal Stylings by TK

Excuse me! May I have your attention please?

With my new "Sing A Long Princess" CD player, I will be performing a few songs for you tonight.

First up, the theme from Beauty and the Beast (of course!) -

What? You'd like to request some Christmas songs too?

Ok! That can be arranged! ;-)

TK's Gift Recap

Wow, Wow, Wow - What a Christmas! I was overwhelmed with the sweetest gifts!

My pillow pet, today's proclaimed favorite gift!

My princess snuggie!!

Pink earmuffs!

My new "I can fix her hair" non-Barbie!

Even Bitty Baby got a gift, her new crib!!

A princess tent??!! Can you believe I got a princess tent?!!

And last but not least... Drum Roll... A cell phone!!

I asked for a real one so I can call Mom-o, Pa, Grandmother, Granddad and Sh-Sh when I need to but Mommy said it's better that I just use hers. I "might" ask again next year... And the year after that...

There was another present that deserves a post of it's very own... Coming right up!

My Christmas Gift Recap! - by Luke.

I got a Light Saber like Luke Skywalker has!

And an Armor of God like Daddy has!

And a Bat Cave with Batman AND Robin!

Look at Woody! He talks... If I pull his string.

And a harmonica like my Daddy!

And last but not least, a hat like Woody's!!

I'm so grateful for all of my Christmas gifts and for my family that picks out presents that are right up my alley! ;-)

Christmas Poses!

Hope everyone had the Merriest Christmas!

We wanted to share some of our favorite posed shots. They don't happen often!

Even our new pillow pets wanted to get in the pictures! ;-)

Happy Birthday to Jesus!

Happy Birthday to Him!

Happy Birthday to Him!

Happy Birthday, Dear Jesus!!!!!

Happy Birthday to HIM!!!

Jesus, The Reason for the Season!! - by TK

Did you know that the origin of Christmas lights was to show that Jesus is the light of the world? Our pastor reminded us of that when I got to go to my first ever Children's sermon on Christmas Eve. I loved it like I love Christmas and Jesus!

At Mom-o and Pa's church in Talladega, they act out the Nativity Story!

It's so much to watch... And to get to pet some sheep!

I can't wait until next Christmas!

Our Mexican Christmas!

So our family started a tradition about 3 years ago that we pick a different country each year and theme our Christmas around it.

We do the food, decorations, Daddy teaches us some facts about the country - from Wikipedia and prepared during the entree portion of dinner. Ha!!

This year? Mexico! Isn't the table pretty?!!

See how we all get in the spirit? ;-)

Mommy and Daddy are so cute!

What country should we do next year? Adios, Family and Friends!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

And Featuring Luke Russell

Um... I'm ready to start...

Are these lights going to be this bright the whole time?

"Go Tell It On The Mountain" -

(Remembering my hand gestures) -

Wow, I'm sure tired from singing!

And... Bow...

Thanks for coming!