Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

Hello Kitty Christmas!

Super Luke!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Luke "Wii" Skywalker and his Dad

2 peas in a pod! Hair cut, ears, posture... too many similarities to list! :-)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

TK says "War Eagle"

Daddy and Lukey were practicing baseball so Mommy and I did a photo shoot in my special shirt. I'm feeling Auburn right now much to my Daddy's and Sh-Sh's dismay. :-)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Luke gets the Game Ball!!

Yippee!! We're so proud of our Luke!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Let's practice ball!

Hey family and friends! I just can't get enough of playing baseball for the Iron Birds and Shush keeps proding me to post more pics!

I'm getting in some really good practice time! I get to field the ball...

Practice catching!

Practice taking off the catcher's mask really fast!

More catching...

And of course, I get to hit! See the ball? Yep, I hit it!

Practice throwing! I throw so hard that both feet come off the ground!

I'm just guessing but I'll bet we'll have more pics soon. :-)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Watch Luke Smile and Run!

Ready. Set. GO!

It makes me so happy to run the bases!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Introducing...Rookie Luke!

It finally happened!!! My first baseball game and I loved it as much as I thought I would!

Do you see my name on my jersey and on the dugout! Yippee!!!

I've been waiting for this for so long! My first action shot (and Shush's favorite!).

Here I am with Daddy getting some coaching on catching. :-)

I'm a real catcher!!

Outfield! Oh Yeah!

Only thing I would change about the first game? I'm gonna need some shatter proof sunglasses. It's bright out here while we're enjoying America's pastime!

See me in the middle?!! We're learning about sportsmanship too! Cool!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Luke and TK's Lake Chatter

TK: Hey Luke, swim over here, Buddy. I need to tell you a secret...

Luke: Sister, you're the one that can swim! Maybe you should come to me!

Luke: TK, you are so funny! It's not a secret that we like to jump off the dock! EVERYBODY knows that!

TK: Oh, ok. You tell me a secret?

TK: Ok... Um... Nah, let's just go jump again?

Luke: OK!

TK and Luke: 1...2...3...Jump! (Pretend you can see us?) :-)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Yes, friends and family! That's me!! TK! Tubing by myself! Isn't it just the coolest thing ever?

Told you it was worth the wait, right?

Now, in this next picture, there's a "chance" that although Daddy was going VERY slow (even though I kept giving him a thumbs up to go faster), he couldn't control all the wakes in the lake and we hit one!!

But I held on! It was TOO much fun!

And then... after I tubed... guess what happened?

Wait for it...

Yep, Luke and Mommy tubed too! WOO HOO! See my awesome little brother giving the thumbs up in the last picture? (You can click on it to make it bigger!)

And here... they got air! See how Luke's up "in the air". Wow, just wow!

We're making up for missed posts and will have another tomorrow... a very special conversation between brother and sister. :-)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Happy Summer!

Don't panic, friends! WE ARE OK! See from the pictures? We're so sorry that we haven't posted in a while but you know what?...

Summertime is FUN!!

There's always fishing! And we don't just mean "sit on the dock and pretend to fish while drinking sweet tea and eating boiled peanuts" kind of fishing. We catch fish! REALLY!

We're serious about our fishing! Crickets and worms fear us!

And when we need to take a break in the middle of the day? (Helpful hint - Fish don't bite when it's really hot outside.)

Water gun fight anyone?

It wouldn't be a day at the lake without riding on the boat!

(Disclaimer so that Grandmother won't be made at me, TK, and not Sh-Sh for posting this picture. Remember Grandmother, I posted this... not Sh-Sh)

Daddy was driving really fast, can you tell? :-)

Don't Sh-Sh and I look so happy here? We really were! It was such a good day!

This was about 4.2 seconds before she lost her favorite Alabama hat in the lake. We didn't let it get to us though. "We dealt with it".

Yes, yes, those are Luke's hands on the steering wheel! WHAT? He doesn't have his license! What was Daddy thinking?

Wait, just wait, til you see what I did for the first time at the lake!


Monday, June 20, 2011

Fuji Hana!!


We went to have Hibachi!

Daddy and Shush (we started calling her that today) had Sushi!

I caught a piece of chicken that the chef threw IN MY MOUTH ON THE FIRST TRY!

And Luke did NOT like the fire!

We loved it and want to go back tomorrow!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Easter(ish) in Macon :-)

We know we're a little late on Easter time post but we realized that we hadn't shared pics from our time with Grandmother and Granddad in Macon. Don't Lukey's ears go well with his Spiderman pajamas? We thought so too!

And look at his cool glasses! Beau just had to be in a picture too!

I'm not sure why he decided to show you his belly in this picture so let's focus on their pretty azaleas!

Grandmother looked so pretty and smiled for the camera. Why, oh why, wouldn't we look at the camera? Because we were looking at Beau that was trying to get in the picture!

I did better in this one but Luke was still focused on... Beau!

This last one? Not in the Easter theme but Sh-Sh wanted me to include it since it's our "we want to smile for the camera but we're just way to tired right now" picture!

Summer pictures coming soon!