Thursday, March 31, 2011

Valentine's Day Dance 2011!

Look! Look at me and my Daddy! Don't we look so pretty, handsome and happy? This was right before the Valentine's dance at our church. It's a Father/Daughter dance and this is our 3rd year. It's just so much fun! He even got me a corsage!! My favorite part? Just look at the look on my Daddy's face. My family tells me that's how he looks at me when he's proud of me. That makes me so happy. I was serious about that corsage! See how proud and thankful I was? :-) Luke was happy too but that's because he and Mommy were going to have a Mommy/Son date at Chuck E. Cheese! We sure like to pose for pictures!
Even Bitty got a dress for the dance!

We even got an action shot with my friends. Can you tell we were having fun with our Dads? There was lots of dancing, friends!

Thanks for looking at our pictures! "See" you soon!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wanna play in our tree house?

We're ready for summer!! We love our tree house!! See?

Can you believe my sissy went up in the tree house in her ballet outfit? She's crazy but I love her!

"See" you tomorrow!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Introducing... Bo!!

Drum roll... We have a new member of the family! Friends, please meet Bo! She's 2 years old so even younger than Luke! Isn't SHE pretty? Yes, folks, Bo is a girl! We got her from a rescue shelter and though they thought her name was Madeline, I knew it was really Bo! She came right to me when I said it! :-) Wanna see what she does 98% of the day? This!

She moves around the house a lot but it's really just to find a new place to lay down. I think she's just been tired for so long and now she has a home to catch up on some quality sleep... We love her so much!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Swinging on the back porch!

More blog posts coming soon! Sorry, we've missed you!