Tuesday, May 31, 2011



Here's our recap (Spoiler Alert!) -

Nigel, the bad guy, is not attractive when he pretends to be sick.

The bulldog has lots of gross drool that gets on everything.

Blu and Jewel kiss at the end. (yuck!)

There are lots of good songs to dance to. (and it's really ok to dance during the movie!)

We give it 2 thumbs up!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Water Gun Fight!!

Water Gun Fight!!!

Wow, did we have fun on Saturday! We had a water gun fight in the back yard and let us tell you... There was planning, strategy, teamwork... Some family members even switched teams half way through the afternoon! (I was loyal to Sh-Sh but Lukey switched to Granddad's side...)

This is right before we got him!

This is me hiding the gun before I turned it on Daddy!

And modeling Grandmother's sunglasses!

Sh-Sh and Mommy wanted us to do the Charlie's Angels pose. We "pretended" like we didn't know what they were talking about so they would do this! (Sh-Sh was SOAKED!)

And then we did it! Aren't our water guns cool?!!

See? So.Much.Fun!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Recital, Part 2 - Pics with The Star!

Recital Part 2, Pics with The Star

Wanna see our glamour shots with the ballet star, TK? Oh OK... If you insist! Haha!

Sh-Sh says we're a good lookin bunch!

Mommy was responsible for TK's masterful bun!

Group shot!!

Sister and I like to pose for pictures!

We'll do more Easter pics in the next few days!

Friday, May 13, 2011

TK's Ballet Recital 2011

TK's Ballet Recital 2011

Hello Everyone! We've missed all of you and have some marathon Blog postings to do but let's start with my sister's recital!

She's good!! And look at this smile, folks!

See the pre-recital huddle? They were excited!!

Look at her technique! (I don't know what that means but Sh-Sh kept saying it over and over!)

See her praising God in dance? (Look at that turnout in first position! Again, no idea what that means but Sh-Sh told everyone!)

And here's our "yearly" together picture on the stairs. Can you tell how proud I am?