Monday, November 5, 2012

Mommy's Marathon and TK's First Trip - Washington DC!

So my Mommy ran in the Marine Corp Marathon on Sunday, October 28th, and Daddy and I tagged along to cheer for her!  Added bonus?  We got to see cool stuff in DC! 

The Red Cross!

I had to pose with the Reflecting Pool!

I'm so little next to Abe!

Did you know that you can hold the Washington Monument?

Daddy even posed with me at The White House!

In case you are worried - we didn't leave Luke home alone.  He had the best time with Momo and Pa!   :-)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012!!

Happy Halloween from Indiana Jones, Dorothy and Toto.  :-)
Don't miss the shoes!

The kid is a whiz with his whip!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

TK's First Earrings!

Ok, yes they are clip-ons but friends?  They are pink and so pretty, right?  Sh-Sh had to share!

Wanna see pics of me and Luke at the beach from this summer?  Come back tomorrow!  :-)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

TK's Bible Presentation

Happy Day, Friends!  Look at our pastor, Bryant Wright, giving TK her bible as a first grader!  Sweet, right?

We have a wonderful church and God blesses us through it all the time!

Love you all!

Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day of School 2012!


Can you tell that we're so excited?  Look at Luke's awesome lunch box!

And can you believe those dimples?  Remember, friends, he's fierce not cute!

I love my backpack!

Getting on the bus!  First days are so much fun...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Our Karate Moves!

Did you all know that we're skilled in the art of Karate?  We are! 
Wanna see our moves?  Ok!

It looks like I'm sneaking up on Luke but really, I'm just his wingman!

Bad guys better not mess with us!  We're tough!

You thought this picture was the same as the first one, right?
Oh no, friends!  Look at Luke's fierce poses.  Hand back - offensive!  Hand front - defensive!
See?  Karate skills!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

1...2...3... Photo Shoot with Grandmother and Granddad!

Sh-Sh wanted to take our picture when we stayed with Grandmother and Granddad a few weeks ago but who knew she would end up with a film reel?  :-)

Here for your viewing pleasure...  Me...Luke...Grandmother... and Grannnnndddddaaadddd!
(If you know me, you can hear me saying this right?)

Picture 1 - C'mon Granddad, we're all ready but you!

Picture 2 - Luke!!!  Buddy! 

Picture 3 - Luke!  We don't want your tag in the picture!

Picture 4 - Oh ok!  How can we say no when you are so cute and hold it up for the camera?

Picture 5 - Finally!  A great shot!  Now we can go play!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Going to the chapel...

So... Sh-Sh is getting married!!!!  And I'm so excited about it that EVERY time I talk to her, I ask if she's already married Mr. Jim.  She promises me that I'll be there when it happens.  YIPPEE!!

We're staying with Grandmother and Granddaddy while Mommy and Daddy are in Greece on a mission trip (isn't that neat?) and Grandmother pulled out her wedding dress!


I'll try to talk about other stuff but friends, I have wedding fever!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Our girl gets baptized!

Today is a very special day for our family.  Our sweet girl, Taylor Kate, made the public profession of her faith in Jesus Christ and was baptized in the lake at Grandmother and Grandaddy's.  We are so proud of her and her love for the Lord.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Luke's Look Alike

Could he be any cuter?  :-)

New blog postings coming in the next few days, friends!

Happy Summer!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Baby Girl lost Tooth # 2

Picture Caption from Jim Selkirk 3 - "She's growing up so fast!"


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Who needs a cricket?

You know what this is? Yep, a cricket can!

Know my job when people are fishin? I get them a cricket!

Know what TK does when I try to hand her one? She backs up and says, "Yuck!".

Know what I do when people aren't watching? I watch them to make sure they are baiting the hook the right way. :-)

Know what happens when you use crickets as bait? YOU CATCH FISH!!


Come fishin anytime. I'll bring the crickets!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Weekend at the Lake!

We had so much fun at the lake yesterday! Our friends, Daria and Jim, came and we had a very busy day!

We played in the tornado room.
We played baseball in the yard.
We fished off of the dock.... See?

We had cupcakes for Daria and Mr. Jim's birthdays.
We had an Easter Egg Hunt!
And of course, we posed for pictures!
Wait until you see what Luke learned how to do! I'll post that tomorrow!

Monday, February 6, 2012

TK's First Lost Tooth!

Date of first lost tooth - February 5th, 2012 (Day of Super Bowl 46!)

Before -

After -

Look at our girl! She was such a trooper!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Our visit to Maxwell AFB!


Sh-Sh is SO VERY SORRY that we've been absent for so long and PROMISES TO DO BETTER from now on!

We went to visit our friends - Jim, Daria and Jimmy Selkirk - in Montgomery, AL this past weekend. To Maxwell Air Force Base! Know what they have? LOTS of airplanes and even a helicopter!

This one is sort of like the one that Mr. Jim used to fly -Isn't this heli cool?

Here's Mr. Jim (and Ferb!) telling us about when he used to fly these!

And here's "Poopsie", a B25 Mitchell. All the little dogs show how many combat missions that Poopsie flew. Cool, huh?

We loved learning all this stuff from Mr. Jim! And Luke liked leaning on the planes...

See? He even leaned on a wheel that was bigger than him!

We just HAD to pose with the full size model of the Wright Flyer -

And we read about First Luitenant Karl Richter. He was the youngest pilot to ever shoot down a Mig over Vietnam.

(Sh-Sh's add on - He was 23 when he shot down the Mig and died a year later. At the time of his death, he had the most combat missions on record, 198 of them! At 100 missions, you were allowed to go home but he wanted another 100 and died 2 short. True hero!)

More posing!

We had so much fun! Tomorrow we'll show you pictures of us with Mr. Jim's swords. :-)

(Did you figure out who Mr. Jim is? He called Sh-Sh "Girlfriend" on the phone. Girlfriend? Yuck! That's disgusting!)