Monday, February 6, 2012

TK's First Lost Tooth!

Date of first lost tooth - February 5th, 2012 (Day of Super Bowl 46!)

Before -

After -

Look at our girl! She was such a trooper!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Our visit to Maxwell AFB!


Sh-Sh is SO VERY SORRY that we've been absent for so long and PROMISES TO DO BETTER from now on!

We went to visit our friends - Jim, Daria and Jimmy Selkirk - in Montgomery, AL this past weekend. To Maxwell Air Force Base! Know what they have? LOTS of airplanes and even a helicopter!

This one is sort of like the one that Mr. Jim used to fly -Isn't this heli cool?

Here's Mr. Jim (and Ferb!) telling us about when he used to fly these!

And here's "Poopsie", a B25 Mitchell. All the little dogs show how many combat missions that Poopsie flew. Cool, huh?

We loved learning all this stuff from Mr. Jim! And Luke liked leaning on the planes...

See? He even leaned on a wheel that was bigger than him!

We just HAD to pose with the full size model of the Wright Flyer -

And we read about First Luitenant Karl Richter. He was the youngest pilot to ever shoot down a Mig over Vietnam.

(Sh-Sh's add on - He was 23 when he shot down the Mig and died a year later. At the time of his death, he had the most combat missions on record, 198 of them! At 100 missions, you were allowed to go home but he wanted another 100 and died 2 short. True hero!)

More posing!

We had so much fun! Tomorrow we'll show you pictures of us with Mr. Jim's swords. :-)

(Did you figure out who Mr. Jim is? He called Sh-Sh "Girlfriend" on the phone. Girlfriend? Yuck! That's disgusting!)