Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Luke and his Sword/Light Saber!

Not all weddings have 2 people carrying swords, right?  Ours did!  Uncle Jim carried his Naval Officer's sword and I carried my light saber/sword! 
Before the wedding, Uncle Jim and I had to have a sword picture right?  Don't worry, we were only staging the picture.  We wouldn't have fought for real in the church!
I kept it in the sheath at first... especially coming down the aisle.  I didn't want to accidently hurt anyone!

Even while I was getting into position as a groomsman!

But at the end of the ceremony?  When Sh-Sh gave me the thumbs up?  I put on a sword show! 

People clapped and cheered! It was awesome!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sh-Sh and "Uncle" Jim's Wedding!

Friends, our Sh-Sh owes you an apology!  How, we ask you HOW, could she have not posted pics from her wedding in December?  It's inconceivable that you are just now seeing pictures!

She has promised us that she'll work on several posts over the upcoming days so you can see me and Luke on what was a very fun night!

The picture at the top of the post is just a teaser!  Get ready for Luke's sword/saber show, outfit changes, lots of dancing, my birthday cake, we could go on and on! 

Want one more to tide you over?  OK!

See?  We danced so much that they had to carry us off the dance floor.  Literally.  And we have a picture to prove it!  :-)

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Ice Cream!!

Can you tell we love going to Menchie's? :-)

Then Luke took Sh-Sh's phone and made a self portrait. Ha!